Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mosqueman: The Introduction

Hello my name is mosqueman2010. Over the past few weeks I have heard a lot about the possibility of having a mosque or community center being built in Manhattan close to or on Ground Zero.  Personally, I think we should build a Mosque close to Ground Zero. It will display the great progress this country has made since the September 11th attacks, as well as strike a blow against the terrorists who attacked us. The building of a Mosque in Manhattan would promote unity, forgiveness, and compassion; everything that terrorists hate. However, there are some people who oppose the building of a Mosque. The reason they are against it is because they have a preconceived notion that all Muslims are violent, and if a Mosque is built in Manhattan it will open the area to more terrorist action. They think that a Mosque in Manhattan would be a terrorist victory, giving them new conviction to try and destroy everything we hold dear. But, a building of a Mosque would be a terrorist defeat, not a victory! We can defeat the terrorists with love and compassion. If we all channel our inner-hippie we can promote unity and peace in the world. We will be able to accept all people regardless of race or religion. I feel that the building of a Mosque in Manhattan would be an excellent first step in causing the peace and unity the world needs.