Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Mosque by the Numbers

After reading the comments on my blog, I decided to hunker down and do a little research. I scoured the net in order to provide hard data to present to you, my followers. What I found is this, in a poll taken by the New York Times a resounding sixty-two percent of responders acknowledged the right to build a mosque and community center. However, at the same time thirty-three percent of responders said that they believe that Muslim-Americans are more sympathetic to terrorists. In another poll it is shown that  seventy-four percent of Muslim-Americans in the age group 18-29, sixty-seven percent age group 30-54, and sixty-nine percent age group 55 and older fell unfavorable towards Al-Qaeda, it would not be fair to mass every single Muslim in with that radical group. Also over the years we have seen a decrease in negative images of Muslims in the media. American-Muslims were polled in 2001 and seventy-seven percent believe that the media unfairly portrayed Muslims in the news, then in 2007 the same poll went out and only fifty-seven percent of Muslim-Americans believe that the media is unfairly portraying Muslims.  If the same poll was taken now, who knows how much further that percentage would have gone down? This trend in data firmly supports my hypothesis that the negative impacts of building a Mosque and community center will dissipate as the years go by. Time heals all wounds, the Mosque and community center will be no different, after while the wounds of 9/11 will soon be gone.

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