Tuesday, October 19, 2010


In this heated debate over the possibility of building a Mosque/community center in lower Manhattan, it is hard to see the two sides coming to any sort of agreement. People who are pro-Mosque are saying that the Mosque should be build because of the right to religious freedom. They even cite the Bible to back up their arguments. Anti-Mosque people are saying that the Mosque should NOT be built because it is too close to Ground Zero, and it will disrespect the families and the victims affected by the September 11th attacks. However, the underlying issue for the anti-Mosque side is their anti-Muslim feelings. A lot of anti-Mosque people are just uneducated about the Muslim culture. They immediately assume that ALL Muslims are terrorists, and the building of a Mosque near Ground Zero would be a terrorist victory, ushering more violence against America. How are these two sides going to come to an agreement? Well I think that Michael Lutin’s solution in his Washington Post article is a good one. If we allow a diffusion of American and Muslim culture, the education of later generations will rise. With this increase in education America will be more tolerant of Muslims, and any other kinds of people for that matter. The two sides must come together and the anti-Mosque camp must learn more about Muslim culture. Once everyone is educated about the subject then, I believe, that the Mosque in Manhattan is good to go!

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