Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Mosque: Please Washington?

As I sat in front of my laptop I had great difficulty deciding what I should write about for my last blog post. I had already covered both sides of the Mosque argument, as well as presented support for both in my analysis post. I also delved more deeply into the view I agree with, which is to build the Mosque in lower Manhattan. So, without thinking of anything polarized to write about I decided to use this post to ask the government to bring an end to this issue as soon as possible. I beg our Senators and Representatives to quickly decide on a course of action and follow through with it. However, I also ask our government to allow the building of the Mosque. As I have said before the building of this Mosque/community center would become a victory of American ideals, like unity and forgiveness. If America truly is the place we claim to be; a place of great tolerance and freedom then I ask our Representatives to please allow this Mosque. I know it maybe a little old, but Martin Luther King said that “I have a dream.” His dream was to eventually make a country about true equality regardless of race, sexuality, or gender. This song “A Dream” by Common basically sums up my view on this situation. So let’s work towards achieving the Dream that Martin Luther King had for this country. Let’s build this Mosque and show the Terrorists who the true winners are.  

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