Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Mosque: "Class-Links"

1.) http://fightingfreshmenfifteen.blogspot.com/
I enjoy this blog because it is about a topic I really have no clue about, and I love being educated about things I have no clue about. While I do know plenty about sugary drinks like sodas, teas, and, my favorite, Gatorade, I had no clue that it was a big issue. I enjoy my sugary drinks as much as the next person, but this blog brought my attention to the fact that I may have to be paying taxes for it. Before reading this blog I really had no clue that there was even the possibility of their being a tax on SSB's. It made me want to do my own research, but I could not really find much. Which brings me to my next point about this blog. It does a good job working with what it had. Even though the author did not have a lot of material to go off of, he/she managed to write about it for a significant ammount of time, while also keeping it entertaining. Also, the political cartoon about the Tea-Party is hilarious. Cheak it out!

2.)  http://legalpotincalifosho.blogspot.com/
I really enjoyed following this blog because it is an issue that I am very interested in. The legalization of certain drugs as opposed to others has always been facinating to me. The author of this blog presents his/her points in effective ways. He/She gets straight to the point and then continually backs up the point with very good evidence. While the author is in favor of the legalization of marijuana (and so am I), when the author explored the other side of the debate it gave more credibility to his points because I could see that they were unbiased. The fact that he/she calls in hard evidence for both sides of the argument shows that the author fully explored both sides of this topic, and again adds credibility to the blog.

3.) http://techspeckk.blogspot.com/
This blog was another one of my favorites to follow for one reason: I'm kind of a hippie. I am in full favor of alternative energy, and this blog does a very good job of making that argument. The author fully explores many different alternative forms of energy and presents ways in which it will make the country and the world better. I also liked this blog because it is related to the goings on of the Middle East in a backwards way. The blog talks about having to cut down on our oil use. Where do we get most of our oil? From the Middle East! This blog backs up my thought that we need to cut back on our reliance on other countries by developing our own alternative energy sources. If you want to read about alternative energy sources I highly recommend this blog!

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