Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Mosque: Initial Backlash

I would like to use this post to allude back to one of my previous posts, Responding to Comments. In that post I defended the building of the Mosque by saying that it will initially be met with disdain, but in time the public will grow to accept it. Much like how our country got used to the Civil Rights Movement back in the 50’s and 60’s. Well we are now starting to see the first signs of the initial disdain I was talking about. It has been reported that the Imam of the proposed Mosque/Community Center, Feisal Abdul Rauf, and his wife have been receiving death threats. To be honest I expected this to happen. Now, the threats are probably coming from extremist groups, like Skinheads or the KKK. But it is still the kind of back-lash I was expecting to happen. This kind of hatred will only build in the coming months, taking on various forms like death threats, protests, and vandalism. But, again how different was it for African-Americans during the Civil Rights Movement. They were protested against, had their property destroyed, and some were even killed. But they fought on and eventually the country came around and we now have equal rights for all races. This is what will happen with the NYC Mosque; it will be met with hatred but as long as the supporters of the Mosque keep on fighting people will eventually accept it, making this country a little bit better in the process.

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