Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Mosque: Self-Analysis

When I first started writing this blog I knew exactly how I felt about this subject. I was a firm believer in allowing the Mosque to be built. However, I knew that my opinion was based upon personal bias because I did not understand the opposition’s point of view. So, when I started this blog my two goals were to: Fully understand and be able to support my own feelings, and to understand what the opposition was saying about the Mosque/Community Center. I can safely say that I have achieved my two goals. My stance on this subject has not been shaken, but actually strengthened based on the evidence and research that I did about the Mosque in Manhattan. The hours I have spent writing this blog has not only strengthened my views but has also opened my eyes to new ways of arguing this view. For instance, in my first few posts I mostly appealed to peoples moral values by saying this Mosque will be a triumph of American ideals of tolerance and unity. But the more research I did the more logical arguments I found. Like, arguing the First Amendment by saying that the Mosque/Community Center should be built because Muslims have freedom of religion. This expansion of m argument base has allowed me to develop counterarguments for the opposition more effectively; which brings me to my next goal: understanding the opposition. Like I said before when I started this blog I really did not understand the opposition. I thought “How could they be against the Mosque?” But the more I researched the more their view points made sense. Through my research I was able to get a grasp on what the Anti-Mosque side was saying. About how the building of the Mosque would be a spit in the faces of those who died, or it’s too close to Ground Zero, or that the money for the Mosque is being acquired trough shady terms. Being able to understand the opposition has lead me to have a deeper connection with the argument, as well as my own view point. Through this project I feel a lot more educated and I feel a lot stronger about the Mosque. LET’S GO AHEAD AND BUILD IT!!!!!


  1. I like how you described how you changed throughout the blog. I found the same things happened usually when I was writing my blog. Through reading your blog I also saw these ideas actually expand and grow. I really enjoyed your blog!

  2. Thanks. I find it facinating how through understanding the oppents side of an argument it actually strengthens your own beliefs in the process. That was probably the most interesting thing I noticed while writing my blog.
