Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Mosque: Implications

As most people know when people firmly plant themselves on an idea it is very hard to get them to stray from that idea. You can argue for hours and not convince that person of anything that may go against that idea. This issue spans over all areas of debate, and the Mosque in Manhattan debate is no different. As we have seen the two sides of this debate firmly believe in the side that they are defending. So what would happen if the two sides cannot come to some sort of an agreement? I believe the biggest implication will be for the American people. If an agreement can’t be met then the tolerance of the American People will suffer. If the Mosque is not allowed to be built the people of America will not be fully educated about the Islam faith. People will continue to be biased towards Muslims, thus causing more anti-Muslim feelings in this country. With the increase in anti-Muslim feelings people will begin to become intolerent of Muslims. This will lead to an increase in intolerance, and that will bring about its own problems. As these anti-Muslim feelings fester people will begin to lash out against them in progressively more violent ways. It could start as a few protests and it could build and build until people start lynching Muslims in the streets! I am not saying that will happen, but is defiantly as good a possibility as any other. The inability of the two sides of this debate to come together will have very serious implications for the American people in the future.


  1. I agree that if the mosque is not built in New York it will not improve the way Americans associate radical Islamic views with the entire Islamic religion. However, I do not think that American’s view of the Islamic religion will spiral out of control and cause Americans to “lash out” and start “lynching Muslims in the street” if the mosque is not built. These implications I believe are a bit overboard, but who knows I guess anything is possible.

  2. Im not saying that we will lynch Muslims in the streets. I was simply making a hyperbole to emphasize my point of the intolerance brought by not allwoing the Mosque to be built.
